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Freeware hq12.zip 7976290 04-19-00 Heaven Quest: 3D Educational Bible Game. DEMO wlmp0005.zip 2075156 06-14-00 LAMP, A Monthly Christian Publication ----------------------------------------------------------- Computer-Aided Design Programs path: /disc4/cad/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ad3cad20.zip 1137073 03-24-00 Active Dimensions 3: 3D CAD software attext1.zip 1348443 03-16-00 AttExt: Standalone Attribute Data Extractor axr2inst.zip 1378992 03-16-00 xRepath: DWG, XREF and IMAGE Repath/List Tool cdraw14.zip 5572862 06-20-00 ConceptDraw: Draw top-quality diagrams. DEMO condsch1.zip 79355 04-19-00 Designs wiring/conduit & exports to ACAD. Free cslte31a.zip 1167727 05-25-00 CadStd Lite: Computer Aided Design/Drafting easmod21.zip 878075 06-20-00 Easymodel v2.1: Easy to use 3D-modeler. Free fastp61.zip 2214709 04-04-00 Fast Plans 6.1: House floor plan designer.DEMO fem3dv1.zip 34392 05-15-00 FEM 3D CAD Software and Stress Analyser. 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Free thk2d301.zip 2430269 06-16-00 Thinking2D v3.0: CAD and designing software ----------------------------------------------------------- Chemistry Programs path: /disc4/chem/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cft13_bl.zip 888897 03-01-00 Chemical Formula Tutor v1.3: Learn and test chemas18.zip 151429 04-12-00 Chemistry Assistant:Expression calculator.Free ecp22_bl.zip 1175938 03-01-00 Virtual electrochemical cell builder kmodsv15.zip 7762515 02-22-00 Chemical Database for Inventory,Waste and MSDS mwt5_11.zip 659007 05-09-00 Molecular Weight Calculator for Win 95/98/NT ----------------------------------------------------------- Delphi-Related Files path: /disc4/delphi/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 7foot.zip 124271 04-27-00 Put footer with totals under (any) DBGrid cachedq2.zip 52733 05-18-00 Query without BDE's errors in cached updates cm209d2.zip 204472 06-19-00 CMATH: Complex math unit for Delphi 2 cm209d4.zip 201444 06-19-00 CMATH: Complex math unit for Delphi 4 cm209d5.zip 201452 06-19-00 CMATH: Complex math unit for Delphi 5 epcd4123.zip 3015478 03-01-00 ESB Professional Computation Suite for Delphi4 epcd5123.zip 3010711 03-01-00 ESB Professional Computation Suite for Delphi5 fce4d20.zip 170231 06-06-00 FTP Client Engine for Delphi formup10.zip 3111 06-05-00 Handle of HTML Form Upload. 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